วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people today

Young people or teenagers are one group of people that make many effects to our social. Teenagers are the group of people that bring many new things into our society. They don’t like to be in the frame. They want to do something that they want. Every teenager has imagination. I think if they can do something that they want and it is the good things, It will make our society has more new things.

Sometimes teenagers know something very fast. However, something that they learn is not the good things. They would not know about bad side of that thing. Sometimes they want to be cool. Therefore, they do everything to make themselves look good. However, I think if they are themselves and do not copy anyone, It’ better. Therefore, some people look at teenagers and think they are not good at all.

I am a teenage girl who loves freedom and wants to do something that I want to do. I think me and every teenager has much energy in us. Teenagers are the most important group that will make good things for our society. I will be the good teenager for our society.

Welcome to my life

Hi! I’m Namthip. I am fifteen-year-old girl who lives in Bangkok the capital city of Thailand. I am in grade tenth.

This is my first time that I have my own blog. I have thought to try to do something like this but I often cannot think of a good topic for writing. This time I have to do it for my English lesson.

Everyone said that I’m a cheerful girl who loves to laugh and smile. I think so. I like fun and hate stress. I will have a lot of fun and happiness when I am with my friends. We always have many activities to do together. We always chat, laugh, play Basketball together. I always have many good memories with friends. Friends are the most important reason that makes me want to go to school.

When I am free I have many activities to do. I always chat on MSN, watch television and listen to the music. I like to sing together with the songs. Singing is one thing that makes me have a lot of happiness. But I don’t like to sing for someone listening. Sometimes when I am sad or bored, music will make me better.

This is some part of my life. If you want to know me more and more, you can come to see my blog again. If I have some mistakes please comment it on my blog. Hope to see you all later. Bye...