วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent's opinion

Every parent in the world always has many opinions for their children. My parents like that. They want me to be in good society, in great school and want to give me high education. They always tell me that education is the most important thing for my life. If we have high education, we can get great university for our future and after that we can find good job for our life. They always warn me when I was careless at my education. Sometimes I play computer more or watch the television and do not care about learning, they will always warn me. My parents suggest me that they want me to learn more at the weekend because it can help me to pass the entrance exam and make me cleverer. My parents hope about my education very much. Sometimes it makes me stress. But I will try to do my best.

My parents not only care about my education and my society but also care about my life or my healthy. My mother always tells me that breakfast is the most important meal of one day. But sometimes I do not want to eat because I was lazy to find something to eat. My mother always blames me and finally I have to eat breakfast. And another thing is when I sit I always do not make my back straight. My back always hunchbacked and my mother tell me that it will make me have bad personality and I will have problem with my back.

And many opinions that my parents give to me, sometimes I feel annoyed but I know why they always give it to me. They are my parent and I love them so much.

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Aloha กล่าวว่า...

Yes, every parent thinks like that. Every parent wants their children to be in a good society, my parents think that too so my parents decide me to learn at our school. My parents always expect me to have high education to find the job easily like your parents, but my parents don’t always warn me about the education. My parents let me organize my time table. In the other things, I think every parent thinks the same. Something that my parents warn me make me fell annoyed to but I know that our parents warn us because they love us.

-ShiKi- กล่าวว่า...

My parents are same as your parents too, they worry about us when we do something that we may get in trouble in the end. Because they passed many things in their life more than us so they knew that whether we should do. Sometimes I think they just try to annoy me by put their opinion into my head, at that moment I think I have my own opinion. But finally I realise that because they know more than I think, so they try to help me by give me advices. It normally that parents be like that way.