วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent's opinion

Every parent in the world always has many opinions for their children. My parents like that. They want me to be in good society, in great school and want to give me high education. They always tell me that education is the most important thing for my life. If we have high education, we can get great university for our future and after that we can find good job for our life. They always warn me when I was careless at my education. Sometimes I play computer more or watch the television and do not care about learning, they will always warn me. My parents suggest me that they want me to learn more at the weekend because it can help me to pass the entrance exam and make me cleverer. My parents hope about my education very much. Sometimes it makes me stress. But I will try to do my best.

My parents not only care about my education and my society but also care about my life or my healthy. My mother always tells me that breakfast is the most important meal of one day. But sometimes I do not want to eat because I was lazy to find something to eat. My mother always blames me and finally I have to eat breakfast. And another thing is when I sit I always do not make my back straight. My back always hunchbacked and my mother tell me that it will make me have bad personality and I will have problem with my back.

And many opinions that my parents give to me, sometimes I feel annoyed but I know why they always give it to me. They are my parent and I love them so much.

วันอังคารที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do something special or important?

When I do something special or important, I feel very nervous, although I do not like it any more. But I can’t stand worrying about it. I always expect of things that I have to do. I want to do it well and want to do my best for the great final result.

In my school, I always have to present or give a speech to many people in the school. I expected of it all the time. When I have not done it yet, I feel very nervous and afraid that it would have mistakes. I do not want to make any mistakes because if I do it many people would look at it and it makes me embarrassed. I think I should not be fearful at first because it has not happened yet. I think a lot and it makes me feel very nervous. I should be courageous to face everything in the future.

In my presentation or giving a speech to many people, every time, I can pass it well. Many times I think I did it well and someone admired me. But when I think a lot, I think I can do it better. And finally, I know that in the world does not have the word “perfect”. It has only the word “better”. When you do something special or important, do not think it must be perfect. But think that in the next time how you will do it better or to do it to the best of your ability.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Culture in each country is not the same. Each country will have their own culture in their country. I am a Thai girl. Thailand has its own culture too.

I will show some culture of Thailand and another country that have differences.

Most Thai people will be very polite. But the word “polite” for Thai is not the same at another country. For example, Thai polite clothes are the clothes that cover the body completely. It does not show the shoulder, navel etc. Although, in the past Thai people wore the clothes that show the shoulder but they did not have the same Thailand you will see most people thinking as Thai people in nowadays. If you look around Thailand nowadays, you will see most people wear fashion clothes, which have a little bit sexy. It is not the Thai culture. In Thailand, we receive many cultures of foreigners. Clothes in foreign countries people wear everything they like. But in Thailand most people will tell that it is not suitable. But I do not mean that people in America, Germany, Switzerland and the other countries that wear the clothes that show some shoulder is not polite because the word “polite” in each country is different.

Another part of culture is that they will not wear shoes in house. But another country such as Germany, Switzerland, America, They will wear shoes in their house. Thais think it is more polite and cleaner, if we take of our shoes before coming in the house. Again I do not blame the other country. Each country is different. Thailand is dirtier than some other countries. When we walk around the town and wear shoes in the house, it can make the house dirty.

Every country has their own culture. So each country should keep their culture to be with the country forever.

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expects of me

The society that I expect is the good society. Good society by that I mean the society which has good people. Everyone will help together. And everyone loves each other. I think if our society is like this, it will be the great society that everyone expects.

But in one society, there are many people and everyone has differences. So sometime we have something that contradicts each other. And after that it will have trouble in our society. I think is very difficult if we want everyone in our society to be satisfied. So everyone has to listen to each other, and give some suggestions if we do not agree with other people. We should talk with reasons and should not use force against others. I think to use force against others is not the good thing and it will make our society to be more terrible. Everyone knows that but nowadays in our society, there is much news of people who were killed or injured. For example, the trouble in south of Thailand, there are people who do bad things such as killing or bombing. We will hear the news about that almost every day.

I feel it is very terrible. I do not want this situation happen in our society. I think every in our society do not like it too. But why do not anyone solve about it?

I am a girl who is a part of society too. My society is society of family and society of school. The people who expect of me are my parents and my teachers. They always teach me everything because they want me to be claver, smart and the important thing is to be a good person. My parents always want me to attempt to study and get many marks. They give me a great and high education. They expect of me to be a great person in society. Our society will be the good society, if it consists of many good people. Therefore I will be a great person who makes our society to be better.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people today

Young people or teenagers are one group of people that make many effects to our social. Teenagers are the group of people that bring many new things into our society. They don’t like to be in the frame. They want to do something that they want. Every teenager has imagination. I think if they can do something that they want and it is the good things, It will make our society has more new things.

Sometimes teenagers know something very fast. However, something that they learn is not the good things. They would not know about bad side of that thing. Sometimes they want to be cool. Therefore, they do everything to make themselves look good. However, I think if they are themselves and do not copy anyone, It’ better. Therefore, some people look at teenagers and think they are not good at all.

I am a teenage girl who loves freedom and wants to do something that I want to do. I think me and every teenager has much energy in us. Teenagers are the most important group that will make good things for our society. I will be the good teenager for our society.

Welcome to my life

Hi! I’m Namthip. I am fifteen-year-old girl who lives in Bangkok the capital city of Thailand. I am in grade tenth.

This is my first time that I have my own blog. I have thought to try to do something like this but I often cannot think of a good topic for writing. This time I have to do it for my English lesson.

Everyone said that I’m a cheerful girl who loves to laugh and smile. I think so. I like fun and hate stress. I will have a lot of fun and happiness when I am with my friends. We always have many activities to do together. We always chat, laugh, play Basketball together. I always have many good memories with friends. Friends are the most important reason that makes me want to go to school.

When I am free I have many activities to do. I always chat on MSN, watch television and listen to the music. I like to sing together with the songs. Singing is one thing that makes me have a lot of happiness. But I don’t like to sing for someone listening. Sometimes when I am sad or bored, music will make me better.

This is some part of my life. If you want to know me more and more, you can come to see my blog again. If I have some mistakes please comment it on my blog. Hope to see you all later. Bye...